The Yes / No Tarot Oracle

The Yes / No Tarot Oracle

The Yes / No Tarot Oracle

Eleanor Piper

15,10 €
IVA incluido
MerrieOak Publishing
Año de edición:
Prácticas de adivinación
15,10 €
IVA incluido
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Do you want a simple YES or NO answer from the Tarot? Would you like some example card layouts for a more in depth YES or NO answer to your question? Look no further, The Yes / No Tarot Oracle is the book for you. You don't need to know about the Tarot to use this book. It can be used by beginner or expert alike to find your YES or NO oracle for any question! The Yes / No Tarot Oracle provides meanings for both a single card reading, and also for more in depth readings where you want to get a positive or negative response from the cards. It includes: • Yes / No oracles for each card. • A Key Word Guide for each card. • Several suggested layouts for more detailed Yes / No readings. • A useful table to help Tarot students memorise the themes and meanings for the Minor Arcana. The Yes / No Tarot Oracle covers both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. And it gives a Key Word Guide for both the upright and reversed positions for each card. At last it's here, The Yes / No Tarot Oracle! 3

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