The Lovers' Spread

The Lovers' Spread

The Lovers' Spread

Eleanor Piper

21,72 €
IVA incluido
MerrieOak Publishing
Año de edición:
Prácticas de adivinación
21,72 €
IVA incluido
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You don't need to know about the Tarot to use this book - you just need a Tarot deck, and a smidge of intuition, and some common sense. This book can be used by beginner or expert alike in order to get an oracular reading about the dynamics of a relationship between any two people. Want to know what he or she is really looking for from another person? This easy to use guide can give you the oracular answer. Whether it is business, love, or friendship, this book can help you get a Tarot reading on the relationship. The easy to follow diagram will show you how to lay the spread, and then all you have to do is look up the meaning of each card in its position. This will give you a picture of the potential relationship dynamics between two people, as provided by the Tarot oracle. I trust you enjoy this book. In love, Eleanor

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