Uncover Your Destiny  The Power of Numbers in your Birthdate

Uncover Your Destiny The Power of Numbers in your Birthdate

Alina Rubi

27,26 €
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Ediciones Rubí
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27,26 €
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Have you ever wondered why certain things seem to happen frequently in your life? Why you are attracted to certain people or professions? The answer could be hidden in the numbers of your birth date. This book invites you to embark on a fascinating journey of self-discovery through the ancient practice of numerology. By exploring the deeper meaning of the numbers that make up your birth date, you will be able to uncover the energetic patterns that influence your personality, relationships, career and destiny. You don’t need to be a numerology expert to enjoy this book. Written in clear and concise language, this book will guide you step-by-step through the basics of numerology and provide you with the tools you need to apply this wisdom to your own life.

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