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The bible of Industrial Engineer - Engineering and Methods

The bible of Industrial Engineer - Engineering and Methods

I. Laisequilla

40,65 €
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IL Publishing house
Año de edición:
Tecnología: cuestiones generales
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engr’s Workshop originalThe bible of Industrial Engineer - Engineering and Methods represents the brilliant union of two fundamental works in the business field: 'The bible of Industrial Engineering' and 'the all about Industrial Methods.' By consolidating the essential knowledge from these previous books, this composite work offers a comprehensive view of modern business management, highlighting fundamental concepts crucial for thriving in the industry.From production management to process optimization, encompassing methodologies like Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kaizen, TQM, BPM, as well as ISOs, OHSAS, and more. 'The bible of Industrial Engineer' provides a complete guide that transcends specific details. This book not only explores methodologies and techniques but also delves into the latest industrial trends, such as sustainability and environmental engineering.Accessibility is a fundamental pillar of this compendium, designed to benefit students, professionals, and entrepreneurs alike. With clear and concise writing, this resource becomes an invaluable tool for those seeking to not only understand fundamental principles but also apply them successfully in today’s business world.It is a unique and comprehensive work that addresses engineering and its methods in an integrated manner, providing an essential guide for success in the ever-changing industrial landscape.Israel Laisequilla / engr’s Workshop

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