Strange Skies, Strange Eyes

Strange Skies, Strange Eyes

Strange Skies, Strange Eyes

Brian Allan

16,15 €
IVA incluido
Fortean Words
Año de edición:
Folclore, mitos y leyendas
16,15 €
IVA incluido
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This book could best be described as a series of reflections and observations, a distillation if you like, on the nature of, and relationship between, the occult as we encounter it in our daily lives. This includes the paranormal in all its guises and how this impinges upon the often fractious subject of Ufology, aspects of which may in themselves be other manifestations of the paranormal. From my own investigations and researches it seems to me that there is little if any difference between any of these subjects and where any divergences do occur, they are almost certainly in how different individuals experience and interpret the individual components. 3

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