Racial and Social Quotas

Racial and Social Quotas

Leticia Bartelega Domingueti

49,68 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
49,68 €
IVA incluido
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This academic work was carried out with a view to improving awareness of racial and social quotas at university and their effects on contemporary society. Works were analysed that contained historical content and explained why black people have historically been disadvantaged. Current works were also analysed, based on accounts of people who needed the quotas and the effect on their lives, both professionally and personally. There was also a social analysis, which aimed to prove the range of benefits arising from these affirmative actions, and the need for them to continue to be present, so that they can benefit those who have not yet received this right. At the end of the study, it was possible to conclude that racial and social quotas are still extremely necessary for a large portion of the population that has not received a quality education during their student life. It was also proven that this measure is fulfilling its objective of serving all citizens, to the extent of their needs.

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