Azucena Perez
The book that is part of a literary trilogy, is like a wise eclectic compendium, of how much knowledge the author of history, science, and mythology. And it goes back to the beautiful legends of the antiquity of gods and demigods that gave rise to the beautiful legends of antiquity, taking as a fundamental argument the love between the star King, the Sun and that beautiful and distinguished lady that we usually see almost all nights, the moon. What emerges from them through their love will fill the constellations of the universe, where light and shadows also play an important role. 'Lunhabella And The Pillars of Heaven', a meeting marked in a compass of light and shadows¨ will fill you with charm and make you spend one of those magical moments in which we lose contact with reality to enter the delicious world of literature, led by Azucena hand’s, in a magical book that today, puts in its hands as a reader.