Mason Meets a Mason Bee

Mason Meets a Mason Bee

Mason Meets a Mason Bee

Dawn V Pape

7,11 €
IVA incluido
Good Green Life Publishing
Año de edición:
Cuestiones sociales: cuestiones ecológicas y relacionadas con el medioambiente (infantil/juvenil)
7,11 €
IVA incluido
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Mason, like many other kids, is afraid of bees. Find out how an encounter with a mason bee changes Mason's life; Mason conquers his fear of bees and is empowered to be like a superhero to help protect the bees. This story teaches timely and important lessons about wild bees, habitat, pesticide use and native plants--heavy topics in a light and fun way. There are definitely big concepts and big words introduced in this little book. That's exactly what makes the book work so well for a wide audience. Even though the book looks and reads like a picture book for early elementary students, the science and social concepts are big enough for adults to ponder. Mason Meets a Mason Bee is a handy educational tool for classroom settings as well as non-traditional learning environments-such as an afternoon with grandma! This book is meant to be read aloud and discussed with kids as it is read. Enjoy the additional resources at the end of the book to continue the learning. 3

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