Rosemary Kendall
1 La Prehistoria2 Antiguo Egipto3 Grecia Clásica4 Antigua Roma5 Los vikingos6 Al Ándalus7 Monasterios8 Catedrales9 Los castillos10 Los samuráis11 Grandes navegantes12 Grandes conquistadores13 El inperio inca14 El imperio maya15 Los piratas16 El Renacimiento 17 El Barroco 18 El siglo XVIII19 El siglo XIX20 La conquista del Oeste21 El siglo XX22 El siglo XXI
Wouldn’t it be incredible if expert Maine Coon breeders combined to create the ultimate owner’s guide? Well here it is!Written by an expert breeder and owner herself, Rosemary Kendall, writes in a fun and entertaining way about Maine Coon cats while packing the book full of useful hints and tips about these cute and adorable cats.This one-stop ‘instruction manual’ is the essential companion to your lovable Maine Coon. Over 154 pages we cover everything you should know from buying a new kitten through to old age and how best to look after your precious Maine Coon.In addition, many of the best breed experts make contributions, including three special bonus chapters written by breeders who also show their Maine Coons.The book written in an easy-to-understand style with funny and entertaining stories interspersed with practical, actionable advice and tips from all our qualified expert breeders.Order now and you can soon be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying this Maine Coon owner’s guide and handbook. Buy it now either on paperback or instant downloadable e-book. It makes a great gift too!Just some of the subjects covered include: origins and history of the Maine Coon cat, types and colors, buying an adult cat or kitten, male or female, pros and cons, rescue, adoption, breeders, catteries, personality, socialization, spaying, neutering, litter training, bringing your kitten home, grooming, combing, bathing, cat shows, health, vaccinations, training, understanding your Maine Coon, play and toys, food and nutrition, plus old age and what to expect."As a new Maine Coon owner I wanted an A-Z guide to help me through all the stages of life. It certainly met all my expectations." - Amy Willis"Clearly a professional book which covers everything you need to know about the Maine Coon - funny and informative at the same time." - Alan Edwards