Isopod Zoology

Isopod Zoology

Isopod Zoology

Orin McMonigle

91,26 €
IVA incluido
Coachwhip Publications
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
91,26 €
IVA incluido
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Looking to keep 'rubber duckies,' 'Spanish oranges,' white dragons, Greek shields, or zebra pillbugs? This is the isopod guide for you.Isopod Zoology is an updated reference for enthusiasts, providing husbandry notes for a wide range of exotic species that have become available in the last decade. Orin McMonigle provides a solid biological foundation that will serve hobbyists well as they encounter new species or develop new varieties.A full range of Orin's invertebrate husbandry manuals can be viewed at

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