From His Lips on Finances

From His Lips on Finances

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

30,75 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
30,75 €
IVA incluido
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Money can direct your life-or it can reflect your love for the Lord and win you eternal crowns. Which will it be?The fiercest battles of life are fought around money. In today’s world, money influences nearly every decision, often determining one’s values and actions. If you are facing financial stress, weighed down by debt, feeling conflicted about using your money for God’s purposes or searching for a way to make your money count for something greater, From His Lips on Finances is here to guide you.In this book, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum-founding team-leader of a Christian global spiritual movement reaching over 100 nations across all six continents and funded primarily from a third-world economy-shares the life-changing principles that fuelled this extraordinary mission. Brace yourself to learn from a lifetime of hard-won financial wisdom that transformed his approach to finances-from overcoming debt to living generously, stewarding family resources, and investing massively into the work of the gospel.For those struggling to find peace in their finances, Fomum offers practical teachings on budgeting, discipline, and accountability to help you align each financial decision with God’s purpose. If you have felt trapped by the weight of financial malpractices, Fomum’s hard-hitting yet practical strategies and teachings reveal biblical principles on how to conquer the love of money, break free and escape the curse of debts, embrace a God-centred approach to managing your finances and finding true financial freedom.This book also addresses the challenge of managing family and ministry finances with integrity. With lessons on instilling godly financial values in your children, navigating family budgeting, and handling ministry funds transparently, Fomum guides you in stewarding resources with honesty and meticulous care.Ultimately, From His Lips on Finances invites you to a life where every dollar serves a higher calling. Through Fomum’s example of living simply, giving sacrificially, and trusting God wholeheartedly, you will find inspiration to honour God with your finances and embrace a lifestyle of true financial freedom. He shows that meticulous stewardship can finance the impossible-even from a struggling economy.Are you ready to let your money reflect your burning desire to please God?

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