Esoteric Astrology for the New Age, Vol 2

Esoteric Astrology for the New Age, Vol 2

Bodo Balsys

49,25 €
IVA incluido
Universal Dharma
Año de edición:
49,25 €
IVA incluido
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This book will set the stage for the new cosmological understanding for our local universe from the astrological perspective. The background for proper comprehension is my The Constitution of Shambhala, plus Bailey’s A Treatise on Cosmic Fire and Esoteric Astrology. The focus is upon the Mother of the World’s department, and the disastrous events that happened upon the moon in that far distant past when it harboured a human kingdom. The key individuals that went aberrant then, through grievous sex magical practices, have either since been converted upon the earth, to become the Hierarchy of Enlightened Being, or else are the forces of evil, the dark brotherhood that have presently taken over planetary affairs. That ancient history is traced to the next globe in our earth Scheme in the fifth Round that will bear a human kingdom. The astrological conditions that set the stage for this is first established, viewed from above down, rather than from the normal earth centred astrology. The focus is upon the activities of the former Logos of the moon Chain (which was a Taurean dispensation, ruled by the Mother’s department).Explained is His subsequent fall and incarnation upon the earth, coupled with a similar, though lesser, fall of Sanat Kumāra. He did so to properly monitor the consequent dangerous situation upon the earth, because of the vast number of evil entities from the moon that subsequently incarnated, to admix with the earth’s indigenous humanity. The events producing the great flood that sank the Atlantean continent have their true genesis here.

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