Be Still

Be Still

Judy Taylor

11,99 €
IVA incluido
Starfish Stories Publishing
Año de edición:
11,99 €
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A mom who never nurtured her. A Heavenly Father guiding her steps. Could she shed her feelings of worthlessness and discover joy?Judy Taylor grew up paralyzed by fear. With an absent father and a mentally unwell mother dominating her childhood, she tried valiantly not to cry over the constant verbal and physical abuse. And after years of being told she was fat, ugly, and unlovable, the young woman clung to her belief in Jesus as she left everything familiar for the terrifying freedom of college.Leaning on her trust in the Lord, Judy blossomed into a vibrant student who befriended everyone on campus. But even as her outward confidence strengthened, she struggled to escape the inner torture and scars from her dysfunctional adolescence.Was there still time to forgive and find her path to healing?Be Still is an inspiring and heart-wrenching memoir. If you like raw honesty, uplifting messages, and seeing people overcome trauma, then you’ll love Judy Taylor’s journey of faith.

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