Adapting to school for children with hearing disabilities

Adapting to school for children with hearing disabilities

Abdoulfatoufou KONATÉ

60,44 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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With a view to ensuring that children living with a disability have the right to education, international conventions have been ratified by Burkina Faso in order to guarantee inclusive, quality education for all citizens. The aim of this research is to analyze the factors favoring the school adaptation of children with hearing disabilities in inclusive schools in the Centre-Sud region. The study involved sixty-five (65) people, including teachers, children with hearing and non-hearing disabilities, school principals, heads of basic education districts, parents of the disabled, the focal point of the 'LIGHT for the world' project and representatives of the inclusive education department. Through a questionnaire and interviews with the seven target groups, the study revealed that the social integration of the hearing impaired, the adapted teaching approaches used by teachers and the favorable school environment all contribute to the academic adaptation of children with hearing disabilities.

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